Tips To Maintain Business Continuity During Covid 19 Pandemic

Accelerlab Technologies Pvt Ltd
2 min readNov 24, 2020


In recent months, unprecedented COVID 19 pandemic change affected the lives of people, economy and business operations. It is necessary to adopt the change and use the crisis as an opportunity to sustain and develop a new business strategy for stronger tomorrow.

It is important to respond to the situation as fast as possible to reduce the risk and to prepare the businesses for the further development of the shutdown scenario. For operations, efficiency and timely update are the key factors of success. Upholding the advantages of new technologies to tackle the existing problem and run the business without any disruption during a pandemic is the main demand.

To overcome the situation, it is necessary to adhere to a business continuity plan. Many organizations have already implemented the plan to successfully run the business.

What is the need of a business continuity plan for small businesses?

  • To minimize the redundancy in the business operations
  • Reduce the impact of the financial crisis
  • Mitigate the risk of critical operations
  • Stabilize to a new normality

There are various types of plans to manage the critical scenarios such as disaster recovery plan, business continuity plan etc. The main goal behind any plan is to reduce the risk, maintain financial stability and continue the operations without any disruption.

Here are some tips to formulate business continuity plan for small businesses.

  • Identify the gap and opportunity: List out the gap between existing condition and desired result
  • Brainstorm potential problems: Remote working flexibility to the employees, keep all the data and records up to date
  • Identify critical issues: List out emergency functions or critical issues such as downtime, network connection and safe employee workplace
  • Develop a strong communication with the vendors, customers and employees: Establish communication with employees, customers and vendors to address the pandemic challenges. Also, make them understand the policies and protocols to ensure safety
  • Develop tools and training for employees, vendors and customers: Educate employees, customers and, vendors to continue the operations with an unanticipated change
  • Create a plan to maintain operations

Depending on the size of your business, you may need to rely on expert support to develop the right recovery and continuity plan. Accelerlab is here to support you during any disaster. Our handy experience and real-time consulting solutions will help you to achieve the organizational goals during a shutdown scenario.

Feel free to contact us for availing our services.



Accelerlab Technologies Pvt Ltd
Accelerlab Technologies Pvt Ltd

Written by Accelerlab Technologies Pvt Ltd


We encourage our customers to bring deep expertise for working together more effectively and make use of an unrivalled range of technology and business insights

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